Update on Development

Hey DSI employees!

Thanks for all the feedback given to us on the project so far, we wanted to post a quick update on the game going forward. There will be further developments on the current build of the game to make a less buggy more finalized demo version of the game. But as we are just finishing up university our next plan is to focus on fixing some bugs noticed from our release of the game. Some of the bugs found so far:

  • The mannequin chase sequence at the end is currently broken with the mannequin glitching through walls and not properly following the player.
  • When the player investigates an anomaly which isn't activated yet, no sound is made when getting it wrong.
  • If the player fixes the generator and then dies the first-floor and second-floor blocks are not reset leading to a soft-lock on completing the game.
  • The torch doesn't work when the generator is turned back on.

Once these fixes have been implemented we will also be revamping the tutorial as not a lot of testers understood their task from the get-go. Finally, we will be looking to release a full version of this game on Steam so follow us to keep updated! Some of the features we plan on implementing in the full release:

  • Multiple levels - At the moment it is just the house but we want to have at least 1 more place for the full release.
  • Difficulty - We want to add multiple difficulty levels affecting fear and how the anomalies are found.
  • New goal - We want to gamify the game, at the moment it currently is more of a short experience than a game and we plan on trying to add some more replayability to the game.

Those are just some of the implementations we plan on adding soon, see you in the next Devlog!

Get Faceless Fears


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Also a couple of extra notes:

  • The pages are not currently correct with anomaly locations
  • movement upstairs is currently bugged where you move up slowly